Heikki Mägi

I'll help you get free from dieting and counting calories


Who am I?

I’m a coach and entrepreneur with a passion for healthy eating. I have been in this field for more than 15 years. My first nutrition service is already one of the best known in Estonia, through which I have helped well over 100,000 Estonians change their diet and health.


Kogemuslugu kooltius

4-week challenge "Get calorie counting and food weighing out of the door"

This challenge will help you change the way you think about healthy eating.  I’ll teach you everything I’ve learnt in my long career. What do you get from this challenge?


Healthy eating courses can be boring as hell. And too theoretical. Who really wants to listen to an hour about macronutrients and their daily requirements, with percentage accuracy?

Toitumise koolitus

Companies and institutions I have worked with

About me in the media

Recent events


Anneli Lätting - Kääpa library

Heikki is professional, friendly and humorous. He spoke in a way that was easy to understand for the simple listener and gave many examples.

Erkki Aas - Competition dance coach

It is hard to make young people listen. But Heikki managed to do it. The training is extremely enjoyable and exciting for the listeners.

Get in touch